: vskjharkhand@gmail.com 9431162589 📠

Grievance Redressal and Data removal

Redressal Mechanism: Any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to content and or comment or breach of these terms shall be immediately informed to the designated Grievance Officer as mentioned below via in writing or through email signed with the electronic signature “Grievance Officer”.

For removal of your data from our servers also you can reach Grievance officer below:

Level I:

Vishwa Samvad Kendra, Jharkhand

Grievance Officer: Mr. Bharat Bhushan

Email: vskdotvsk@gmail.com

Contatc No : 0651-3551437

Level II:

Print and Digital Media Association (PADMA) (Self Regulatory Body)

Mr. Jitendra Mehta


E mail –padmasrb2022@gmail.com

: vskjharkhand@gmail.com 9431162589 📠 0651-2480502